Friday 29 May 2020

Sketchup Lesson 2 Rubic's Cube

First I made a 5 by 5 cube and iit into a 3 by 3 grid with a 2' of space in between. Then I copied the 3 by 3 layer up two times. I colored it in and add the pillars.
I added on another row to the side to make it 4 wide then a row on top and a row on the back then recolor and readded the pillars

Thursday 28 May 2020

Sketchup Lesson 1 Tiles

I made a 3 by 3 of rectangles all 3' apart. Then I copied it 3' above.
I made a 12'by12' and 6'by6' squares to match the pattern. And copied into a square.
I made a 12'by24' and 24'by12' squares and made a row to match the pattern and then i copied it and made 5 other rows to match the pattern

Sunday 24 May 2020

Saturday 23 May 2020

JS Drawing and Animation Day9

Today i learned how to loop code, this very useful and helps speeds up some coding instead of putting each line of code over and over. Next I will finsihed looping.

Thursday 21 May 2020

JS Drawing and Animation Day8

Today I did the Second part of If statements. Pretty much the same but with more steps and I also learn 'else' code for when i need multipe if statements.Next I'll be learning looping

Wednesday 20 May 2020

JS Drawing and Animation Day7

Today I worked on If statements in js. During these assignments I learned how to active code if something is happening ex Mouse draws a circle if my mousebutton is pressed. And I also learn to use this with numbers like to check if the number was greater or less than zero ex rect 20,20,20,20 if number>0 Next Ill be doing part 2 of If Statements