Thursday, 27 February 2020

Photoshop - Animal Skin Swap 3

Photoshop - Animal Skin Swap


Zebra Print


Fire Texture

  • First I picked my images, I picked monkey, eagle, zebra print, and fire texture.
  • I worked on the monkey first by using the quick selection tool and selecting the monkey and vector mask it, to get rid of the background.
  • Next I opened the eagle in a different tab and using the square tool, I selected the wings right and left wing separately and copy and pasted them into the monkey tab.
  • I had move them under the monkey layer and rotate the wings in place so look right on the monkey.
  • Then I used the quick selection tool on the wings and vector mask both of them to get rid of the background.
  • Next place the zebra print in and over the monkey then I crt click the monkey layer and click on the zebra layer and vector masked it, this put the zebra print onto the monkey. I had to eraser some parts that didnt fit. Then I did the same for the fire texture and the two wings, selected them and the fire and vector mask it, so the wings are on fire.
  • Then I changed the hue to -7 so the fire on the wings are more noticeable and added a background  with shadows with the burn tool.
  • Lastly added my watermark.

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