Friday 19 June 2020

Game Journalism Day 1 - The Forest

Where I started, The plane crash site
Bench with a small boat near the coast.
A village created by the cannibals
A campfire cooking food and a spear (weapon in my hand)
Deer head I killed and got raw meat from
Loot on the small boat (soda and gas cans)
What type of game is this - Forest is an open-world survival horror game. Where you have to survive on the peninsula by looting structures and using natural resources while defending off the cannibals.

Explain what you see and how to play the game - As I start up the game I am in a cutscene where I'm in the plane with my son then the plane get struck down and I blackout. When the plane crashed I woke up to see my son get taken away a cannibal, then I black out again. After I wake up I have to go around looking resources and loot around, and the goal is to find my son.

Monday 15 June 2020

Sketchup LESSON 4: Simple 3D Design Example for 3D Printing

I started by making a 75mm x 25mm rectangle and raising it to 25mm. Next, I pushed the holes 10.25mm in and raised the pegs 10mm, so the pegs have room to fit. To finish I added my name and coloured everything.
I started with a 50mm x 50 mm square I raised 25mm.I pushed the holes 10.25mm in and raised the pegs 10mm, so they can fit. To finish I added my name and coloured everything.

Friday 5 June 2020

Sketchup LESSON 3: Printing Sketchup Designs on a 3D Printer

First I made a 1by1 square and pulled it up with the pull tool by one inch to make a cube, then I added x,y,z to the sides. I added my name and for the face I made a circle and pull it out a little and make two circles and a rectangle and pushed them all in to make a o_0 face. lasty I colored everything in.